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Girls Varsity Basketball Defeats Oak Grove

Girls Basketball Varsity Team dominates Oak Grove and shares what they could have done better.
Girls Varsity Basketball team stepping into second half.
Girls Varsity Basketball team stepping into second half.
Alicia Quinto

The Girls Varsity basketball team won against Oak Grove High School, 51-37.


“I think we played pretty good as a team, and I feel like this game was a pretty good game,” —- Zoey Hinkle said. “We don’t usually play that connective and we really improved,” Hinkle said.


She also mentions what she thinks they could have improved on.


“Definitely boxing out and staying lower in defense, and I think the basics we get a little too lazy and let fatigue control our game,” Hinkle said 


Zoey HInkle


Naysia Johnson adds that the game was “pretty good” and “very hype.” 


Johnson adds that they need to work on “rebounding more.”


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