This week, Del Mar High School hosted its semi-annual dodgeball tournament. This event was open to all students, with teams consisting of five members each. Each day, teams competed in a best-of-three...
Subathons are live-streaming events, typically hosted on platforms such as Twitch and Youtube. The duration of the stream is extended based on viewer subscriptions or donations.
Kai Cenat,...
Nina Tirona, Photography Editor
• November 18, 2024
On October 12, 2024, K-Pop boy group Seventeen kicked off their fourth world tour, ‘SEVENTEEN [RIGHT HERE]’, with performances scheduled in major cities in South Korea, the U.S., Japan, and Asia. Following...
The haunted house will be open from Oct. 28 to Oct. 30, from 6 to 9 p.m. The theater department is hosting a haunted house with the theme “Twisted Fairy Tales,” featuring stories like “The Three...
This November, Del Mar High School is coming out with the play, “I am Frankenstein” by John Hammond directed by Ms.Biggs, the school’s theater teacher. The play will be performed by students and...
Tyler, the Creator returns after a three-year hiatus to release his new album named “Chromakopia." Fans speculated facts about the album such as who would be featured after Tyler released the first music...